Sunday, June 29, 2008

Saturday, 28 June - Politehnica 1921 Stiinta Timisoara

My favorite soccer team Politehnica 1921 Stiinta Timisoara will go in cantonment to Kaprun (Austria).
This is the Team:

Pedro Taborda, Costel Pantilimon si Cristian Zimmermann

Stelian Stancu, Valentin Badoi, Milos Brezinsky, Alin Ratiu, Srdjan Luchin, Sreten Sretenovic, Carlos Milhazes, Iasmin Latovlevici

Agunbiade Abiodun, Dan Alexa, Filipe Da Costa, Jose Luis Garcia, Balazs Borbely, Dare Vrsic, Victor Aldana, Artiom Karamyan, Arman Karamyan

Dorin Goga, Ionel Ganea, Dejan Rusic, Gigel Bucur, Lukas Magera, Winston Parks

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The World is safe again

Yes we can rest assured the music company's have now an precedent and they will be more successful in arresting and convicting innocent people.

Another ex-administrator of former BitTorrent tracker Elitetorrents is facing prison time for his part in the site's peer-to-peer sharing of copyright material.

Daniel Dove, 26, was convicted by a jury on separate counts of "conspiracy and felony copyright infringement," the US Department of Justice announced today.

Dove helped supply pirated material to the website and recruited members who had high speed internet connections to join in uploading content.

Fellow admins, Scott McCausland, Grant Stanley, Sam Kuonen, and Scott Harvanek, all pleaded guilty to similar charges rather than take their cases to a jury. The DOJ says its the first criminal conviction after a jury trial for P2P copyright infringement.

EliteTorrents was one of the largest "private" trackers in operation between 2003 and 2005. In May, 2005, Operation D-Elite, a combined force of the FBI CyberCrime Fraud Unit and Homeland Security, shut down the site. The Motion Picture Association of America also provided "substantial assistance" to the D-Elite investigation.

Working on 10 search warrants, The Feds seized control of the EliteTorrents' central server to obtain information about the site's administrators. According to the DOJ, they found more than 17,800 movie titles being seeded by about 133,000 EliteTorrents members. They contend many of the movies distributed on the site, such as Star Wars Episode III, appeared there before the movies were yet released in theaters. (Star Wars II: Revenge of the Sith appears again and again on DOJ press release for Operation D-Elite as an example. Somebody is a George Lucas fan.)

Dove's sentencing is scheduled for September 9, 2008. He faces a maximum of 10 years in prison.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

4.5 Million unencrypted customer records lost

How can you lose 4.5 Million unencrypted customer records?

Well at least we know you can, this has bean proven by the Bank of New York. They lost two sets of unencrypted backup tapes containing private data belonging to 4.5 million customers.
They have the nerves to come with the excuse that a third-party vendor misplaced the tapes during transport to off-site locations. According to the bank, the tapes “included shareowner and plan participant account information, such as name, mailing address, Social Security number, and transaction activity.”

Isn't that nice to know how the banks play with such private information?

BNY Mellon’s chief risk officer, Todd Gibbons, said the bank now plans to improve security related to backup tapes. From Computerworld:

To bolster its security controls, the bank said it will now require that any confidential data written on tapes or CDs for transport must be encrypted or transported with undisclosed additional data protections. Further, when “technically feasible,” the bank will demand that encrypted confidential data be delivered to off-site facilities electronically, noted Gibbons. ...cute isnt it?

Now they are thinking about that, cause till now we where still in the 1900 years and subjects such as SECURITY where not discussed in every newspaper/TV show/Movie/Internet

The funny part is that they are saying nothing about if they found the lost data or if they at least have a clue about where the tapes could be ... because from February the 27th, 2008 and till now they sad nothing to the customers and also didnt came up with the tapes... maybe the tapes are in nirvana now.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Will torrenting be extinct in the next few years?
hard to believe something like that... why? because its supported by the people ;)


Since BitTorrent has become so popular, anti-piracy organizations like MediaDefender and BayTSP are constantly uploading fake files, and scammers are uploading malware and spyware, often wrapped in fake media players.

When an attack happened over the weekend at the popular webshow site Revision3 , they started to wonder what they had to done provoke it. Now Rev3 has found the source of the attack, and that's raising even more questions. Rev3 was hit by MediaDefender, the self-described "leading provider of anti-piracy solutions in the emerging Internet-Piracy-Prevention industry." ... wow, but it was only an accident

Rev3 talked to MediaDefender and discovered that the anti-piracy company had been covertly using the Rev3 BitTorrent tracker to move its own files, quite without the knowledge of Revision3. The attack
happened when Rev3 caught on and blocked MediaDefender's torrent traffic. This apparently caused the MediaDefender servers to go completely nuts with attempts to reconnect -- over 8,000 a second -- and took down the entire Revision3 infrastructure, including the servers for all their video content, their advertising, and their internal email.

What can you say about that? the oh so morals are not that moral anymore.

The Pirate Bay, Mininova and isoHunt - the top three BitTorrent sites - are all involved in a court case. Depending on the outcome of these cases, the need for alternative search technologies may become more apparent.

And still even if they will be put down others will rise because the people demand is big and will still exist. And by trying to bring the bittorrent community down by force they are only making it stronger and bigger... this is for sure the wrong approach of the problem ;)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Un milion in plus la salariu...

Daca ar fi stiut ce-l asteapta, Seful l-ar fi ascultat pe Paulica si i-ar fi
acordat acea marire de salariu. Nici nu cerea mult omul, 1 milion de lei
vechi si prapaditi, macar sa-si scoata banii dati pe transportul in comun
si, poate, si ceva din factura de mobil necompensata. Paulica avea prea mult
bun simt sa-i spuna Sefului sa faca bine si sa-i sune personal pe acei
furnizori din cateva simple motive: 1) Nu-i cad coaiele; 2) Cuvantul lui are
mai multa greutate; 3) Paulica era prea gras si cu craci prea strambi ca sa
fie secretara, fie si a Sefului, aflat la varsta temerilor si indoielilor,
drept pt care ar fi regulat si-o pisica, numai sa-si reconfirme indoielnica
virilitate; 4) Seful avea minute nelimitate, Paulica vorbea pe banii lui

L-am auzit de multe ori pe Paulica spunand cu naduf ca lucram intr-o firma
de cacat. Si ca merita sa ne pisam pe ea si sa ne caram in lumea larga. Dar
n-aveam cum sa-mi inchipui nici in cele mai negre vise ca refularile
pasnicului Paulica aveau sa se adevereasca mai ceva ca abstractiunile lui

Si se facu o zi de noiembrie oribil, cu o ploaie diluviana, numa' buna sa
stai acasa, cu plapuma-n cap, necum sa vii la scarbici. Un fum alb gros, o
duhoare patrunzatoare patrunsese in tot sediul, in toate ungherele, in toti
porii. Nu atat frica de incendiu ne-a precipitat pe toti afara, in ploaie,
ci mirosul acela lugubru, care parea ca ne exfoliaza esofagul si plamanii.
"Ce Dumnezeu o fi? A luat foc serverul? O fi vreun scurtcircuit?" "De unde,
miroase a sobolan mort, cred ca s-o fi prins unul in fire si asta i-a
fost!", ne dadeam noi cu parerea. Evident ca nimeni n-a avut curajul sa
orbecaie prin fumul gros inauntru nici macar pt a-si salva hainele.

Ne-am numarat intre noi. Lipsea Paulica. "Te pomenesti ca a ramas inauntru,
bai, sariti si scoateti-l, ca asta se asfixiaza acolo si, aitist nebun ce
este, daca nu ii da nimeni un mail ca arde sediul, singur nu-si da seama".
"Nu va duceti, ca muriti degeaba, Paulica a iesit val-vartej acum 10
minute", ne-a spus o colega. Si dus a fost. Nu si consecintele plecarii sale

Ce am aflat ulterior a fost o palma pe obrazul tuturor domnisoarelor de la
resurse umane care ne invata ca la interviu se merge cu capul in pamant si
nu se intreaba de salariu. Asa facuse si Paulica si a ajuns ca noi toti,
doar ca pragul lui de toleranta era altundeva situat. Ardelean molcom,
Paulica se enerva greu, dar cand ajungea la concluzia ca-i bai, apai bai

Dupa a douazecea intrevedere cu Seful, in care i se pusese aceeasi placa
(compania e-n dezvoltare, are cheltuieli mari - normal, Seful isi luase 4x4
si pasase vechea masina socrilor - ca el, Paulica, este platit oricum
regeste pt munca "de rahat" pe care o face, ca ar trebui sa fie recunoscator
ca i s-a dat sansa de a munci la patron strain si ca este un vierme
profitor), Paulica a ajuns la concluzia ca-i bai.

Restul e istorie. Cand firma e de cacat, iar tu faci - zice Seful - munca de
rahat, nu poti decat sa accepti ca duci o viata de rahat. Dar macar cald sa
fie, sa nu faci amigdalita. Drept pt care Paulica si-a facut nevoile pe
platoul din cuptorul cu microunde. Un rahat mare, incolacit, ca un
kurtoskolacs, de abia a incaput. Dupa care ardeleanul scos din minti, pe
care nimeni nu-l auzise un an ridicand tonul, a rotit temporizatorul pt 10
minute. Si dus a fost.

Domnisoarele de la resurse umane ar trebui sa invete ca un rahat copt lent
si uniform, la peste 300 de grade Celsius, timp de 10 minute, pute nu
ingrozitor, ci este insasi definitia ororii. Pute insidios, pt ca nu te
paleste dintr-o data, ci lent, prin toate lufturile de sub usi si intra pana
si-n tencuiala. Ceea ce s-a si intamplat.

- n-am mai putut purta niciodata haina uitata in cuierul de pe holul de
langa biroul sefului, unde era amplasat nefericitul cuptor cu microunde.
Nici colegii mei
- sediul a trebuit sa fie abandonat definitiv. Dupa 2 saptamani de stat cu
usile si ferestrele vraiste, mirosea ca la crematoriu. Nici zugravitul nu a
rezolvat mare lucru, desi a costat mult mai mult decat milionul in plus la
leafa bietului Paulica
- a trebuit schimbat tot mobilierul. Prinsese miros de privata comunala, cu
imbunatatiri de mahon nobil
- cuptorul respectiv n-a mai fost bun nici pt tiganii care treceau prin zona
sa ridice deseurile. "Da' ce-ati facut, manca-v-as, v-ati uscat cainele in
cuptor si l-ati uitat acolo?!", ne-au intrebat ei si au renuntat sa-l mai ia
- Luminita a facut hepatita. De greata. Acum sufera si de constipatie
cronica si colon iritabil, pt ca orice drum la toaleta pt cuvenita usurare
ii da frisoane
- Seful a pierdut un contract banos de publicitate cu o mare agentie.
Clientii au intrat la banuieli vazand ca El Lider Maximo se tot codeste sa-i
invite in sediu si se intalneste cu ei prin restaurante si hoteluri.
Probleme de bonitate, daca nici sediu nu-si permit - si-or fi zis ei si dusi
au fost. Pt ca zgarciobul nici macar n-a vrut sa inchirieze temporar un alt
- chiar daca lucrez acum altundeva, eu nu mai vin cu mancare de acasa si cu
atat mai putin nu concep sa o mai incalzesc la microunde. Si asta ma costa
al naibii. Unde mai pui ca am fobie la electrocasnice

Ziceti si voi, acum. Nu era mai ieftin sa-i fi dat amaratului blestematul
acela de milion in plus?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

OiNK still down

well its no news that OiNK, my favorite music site, was taken down earlier this week by BPI and IFPI... the UK equivalent of the RIAA.
This will definitely result in me buying *less* ... *no* music

but why did all this happen?
who gave them this right ... this is also what is also asking/writing ...
it reminds me of the old days of th USSR and the commusim days from the past ...

but hey it seams that even now in 2007 we still have no rights, or our rights are still stepped on...

well im still hoping on a reborn of OiNK in some other form maybe ... even a forum like

some thoughts about what happened to OiNK and RIAA When Pigs Fly: The Death of Oink, the Birth of Dissent, and a Brief History of Record Industry Suicide.

the main point is to not give up ... to continue take what u want ... free and if you like what you hear/see then buy it ...
here is a list of music torrent sites where u can get what you want ;) join and dont let RIAA scare ppl ... and allow them to do with OiNK what they did with Elit Torrents

some artwork :D

Monday, July 31, 2006

Love, ain't

Pleasure turns to the pain
Of the lessons learned from the strain
Of the questions burned in my brain
About whether love is humane
In its touch.

These thoughts are like salmon
Swimming upstream
In the tears of your deceit
Fighting the current hurt
That kills more than is created

By the chaos of our intertwined emotions
Chaotic because the anchor
Of Eros' arrow
Has been plucked from the vessel
Of my undying infatuation

Separation not as simple
As the distance between us
My mind no longer possessed
By the demons
That had been the overseers
Of my enslavement to your lies

The seeds of these lies
Rooted so deeply
They have cracked the foundation
Of what we once shared
Allowing the faith in us I had sealed inside
To gush out like a river

Ripping the image of our future together
From my thoughts
As violently and as brutally
As if it were a child being taken
From his mother's arms

I'm left surrounded in darkness
But I refuse to be swallowed by it
My loneliness like the night air.
Invisible to the eye, obvious to the touch
In its cold uncomfortableness
y et if I could do it all over again

I'd do it in the same skin I'm in
To lay down and let love die
Just stay down and let love lie
No, no, not I
I'll stay 'round and let love fly
Even though I have seen
Its darkest form, deceit
Nothing else could taste this warm
Or feel this sweet...